In the wake of yet another mass shooting in the United States, an American town is left reeling by the death of Kayla Gordon. Her teacher, Mr. Naqvi, and her classmate Farid begin to bond in their common grief. But when Kayla’s parents approach with a sinister plan to seek retribution for her death, Mr. Naqvi’s beliefs are sorely tested as he is drawn into nothing less than a battle for the safety of his young student.
Lilix Media
Vishesh Abeyratne – Playwright
Sarah Angelle – Producer
Jonathan Shaboo – Dramaturg/Co-Director
Joelle Wyminga – Co-Director
Andy Kalirai
Moheb Jindran
Justine Jones
Alexander Forsyth
“Thought-provoking, heart-wrenching, witty, and full of unexpected twists and turns.” –Apt613
“A considered meditation on the perils of ideology, youth and grief that never reneges on chances to ramp up the tension, or release it, releasing us into world-weary relief.” –Trevor Abes, Writer
Content Warning:
Sudden Loud Noises, Violence (physical, emotional, verbal, usage of weapons), Violence (towards a specific community), Suicide, Death
Greenhouse Studio
65 minutes
Local - Vancouver, BC
- May 25 @ 5:15 pm Talkback
- May 31 @ 8:45 pm Talkback
Low Vision Friendly Pre-show Inro
Festival Venue
The Cultch, 1895 Venables Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada