“The Yoko Ono Cult” follows twin sisters Yi and Pei, whose opposing worlds collide as Pei’s academic stumble ignites a journey into art. Pei’s emotional canvas unleashes a controversial style, thrusting her into fame while straining their bond. As Pei’s passion wanes, Yi urges reflection, leading to a poignant confrontation with their estranged used-to-be-artist father. Their shared turmoil births a transformative artwork, symbolizing reconciliation and closure. Despite fleeting success, the play underscores the fragility of familial ties and the pursuit of authenticity in a world of superficial acclaim.
Yi Ming Liu – Performer, Deviser
Peihwen J. Tai – Creator, Performer, Deviser
Daniel Yang – Performer, Deviser
100% of surveyed audiences said they “Would recommend The Yoko Ono Cult to a friend”
“I loved the comedic timing of the piece. Each personality felt very lived in and real.” – Jarin Schexnider. Artistic Director, What Lab.
“[It is] illustrative of my experience going to contemporary arts school.Artists of colour are used to defend our passion in artmaking to our family and friends who aren’t in the arts, but we often overlook the relationship between emerging artists of colour and how we can critically yet supportively converse about the arts we make to each other.” – Howard Dai. Associate Artist, rice & beans theatre.
Content Warnings:
Violence (physical, emotional, verbal, usage of weapons), Abuse (sex, child, elder, physical, verbal)
Greenhouse Studio
80 minutes
Local - Vancouver, BC
- May 26 @ 2:30 pm Talkback
Ticketing note
Updraft Readings are free, donations encouraged. Reservations are required to secure seats the reading. Walk-ups are welcome but seating is limited.
100% of donations received are paid directly to the artists
Festival Venue
The Cultch, 1895 Venables Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada