Upintheair Theater
Wedgie 2. The photo shows two people on stage. A red spotlight is shining on the person on the left. They're wearing a striped T-shirt and a button that says 'Lucy'. They have their hair in pigtails. and are wearing glasses with a miserable expression. The person on the right is further back and blurry, they're wearing white overalls and a striped t-short.


(Fringe 2002)

Year: 2002

Creative team

  • Directed by Dawn Millman
  • Created by Jason Rothery
  • Performed by Luisa Jojic, Nicole Leroux, Daniel Martin, Dave Mott, Melissa Robertson, Jason Rothery & Steve Handlesman


The grade Sixes of Anderson Elementary have waged a bitter war against the grade Sevens of Jacobs Junior High for as long as time can tell. Reeling from a recent attack, the Sixes are enacting a cunning and fiendish retaliation. But the Sixes are a grade divided, and the real war rages within their ranks. A Resistance has risen to counter the war, and rumors of a Prophecy have split the curtain behind which dark machinations work to consolidate power, and perpetuate the conflict once more

Wedgie was born of a collaborative workshop process organized and facilitated by Upintheair Theatre Society. Upintheair brought together an ad hoc group of six actors: Steve Handlesman, Nicole Leroux, Daniel Martin, David Mott, Melissa Robertson and Jason Rothery. 

With the collaborative process underway, key issues quickly took shape.

  1. The formation of hierarchy, the abuse of power, the parallels between child and adult society, and issues of conformity, dissent, and control.
  2. The ill-defined War on Terror was well underway in the middle-east, and provided an ample thematic point of reference.