Your donation makes a big difference to Upintheair and to local theatre!
Get involved as a cash supporter or by donating your expertise.
Show your support for emerging and equity deserving artists we assist and the creative work we do to uncover and illuminate the contemporary issues we face today. The government funding we receive keeps the floor lights focused, sets the stage and provides paid jobs to Canadian artists, but it only covers a portion of our operating, marketing and development costs.
Your monthly or single gift is imperative to our future planning, the number of artists we help, how much income we pay them, and the size and depth of our programming each year. If you prefer to assist us by donating your time and knowledge to the organization, your help will not be refused. We love our volunteers! Whether you want to join the team part time to gain experience in your new career path or have a lifetime of information to share, we need help.
Upintheair Theatre has always been a nimble organization with a small team of dedicated staff and volunteers that believe in the artists of the future. If you see a future that is populated with performance by artists from all communities, you see the future we manifest every day. Help us provide the vital support performance that makers from Vancouver, BC and across Canada need to not only survive but thrive.